Welcome to our website
Please read carefully the Terms and Conditions presented below.
Accessing/visiting our site is subject to the Terms and Conditions and involves explicitly your approval and your agreement (the agreement between the parties).
TRAVELAND SRL with headquarter in Str.Valea Lunga nr. 12, Poiana Brasov, Brasov, Romania is the owner/administrator of the website
TRAVELAND SRL, hereinafter generically called TRAVELAND, reserves its right to change or/and update the content of this website at any time, as well as the
Privacy Policy and the Terms and Conditions, without any further notification.
Thus, we would like to ask you to visit this section periodically in order to check the Terms and Conditions that you have agreed to comply with.
The guests are responsible for all the activities that occur by accessing our site
TRAVELAND SRL cannot be held responsible for the actions occurred due to the negligence of the guest regarding the security and privacy of the guest personal data.
TRAVELAND SRL guarantees limited access, for personal/booking purposes, to our site and does not grant permission to download or change, partially or entirely the site, to reproduce the site, partially or entirely, to copy, sell/resell or exploit the site in any other manner, without the written agreement of TRAVELAND SRL.
Your personal data can be used by TRAVELAND for booking confirmations, email informing, text messages, post or any other communication ways regarding future actions, compilation of statistics, etc.
Your personal data can be transmitted to the authorities in order to check commercial transactions or to other authorities in order to carry out any justifiable verification according to the law.
The data provided by guests are strictly confidential.
TRAVELAND undertakes not to disclose this data to third parties or companies and to strictly use it for the business relation between the guest and TRAVELAND.
This site uses security measures against loss, alteration or misuse of the information which falls under our control.
TRAVELAND SRL undertakes to comply with your rights conferred according to Law 677/2001, and at your request sent to the address of TRAVELAND, undertakes to: correct, update, block, delete or transform into anonymous data, free of charge, the data whose processing does not comply with the regulations of Law Nr. 667/2001 regarding processing of personal data and its free movement; to cease the processing of your personal data.
TRAVELAND SRL undertakes to comply with the rights conferred by Law Nr. 667/2001 regarding the protection of persons related to processing of personal data and its free movement, by Law Nr. 365/2002 regarding the electronic commerce, as well as with the rights conferred by the Order Nr. 130/2000 regarding the safety of the consumers by distance contract termination and execution, with its further amendments.
These rights include (the list is not exhaustive):
- the right to ask TRAVELAND SRL to confirm whether or not your personal data should be processed, free of charge, for one request per year;
- the right to ask TRAVELAND SRL to correct, update, block or delete, free of charge, that data provided, for which the processing does not comply with the regulations of Law Nr. 677/2001;
- the right to ask TRAVELAND SRL to cease, free of charge, processing one´s personal data;
- the right to ask TRAVELAND SRL to cease sending advertising messages;
Any such request/notification will be dated, signed and sent by the guest registered in the data base by email to the address TRAVELAND SRL.
In order to eliminate the risk of your data getting into the possession of third parties and being abusively used by them, TRAVELAND guarantees for the security of the information systems.
The information regarding the bank card (card number, expiry date, etc.) are not transferred or stocked, at no time, on the servers of TRAVELAND SRL.
The entire content of the site
www.traveland.ro – images, texts, graphics, symbols, web graphic elements, scripts, programs and other data – is the property of TRAVELAND SRL and is protected by the copyright Law and by the laws regarding intellectual and industrial property.
The use of any of the elements listed above, without the consent of TRAVELAND SRL, is punished according to the laws in force.
By accessing the site
www.traveland.ro, using, visiting, bookings or sending emails, communication is achieved electronically, taking into account the fact that the guests agrees to receive notifications from the TRAVELAND electronically, including also communication by email or site advertising.
Booking requests can be made on the our website
www.traveland.ro and are free of charge.
Dealing with the booking requests (confirmation or cancellation) takes few hours, 7 days a week.
The gests cannot consider a booking confirmed, until he/she/them has received the booking confirmation by email from TRAVELAND site.
Depending on how bookings are guaranteed, these can be:
unsecured – go to
INFO and
F.A.Q. section.
secured by credit card – go to
INFO and
F.A.Q. sections.
The payment for the confirmed booking can be made by credit card, by payment order or at the reception at the time of c-in. – For more info feel free to check –
INFO and
F.A.Q. section.
TRAVELAND SRL accepts the following credit credit/debit cards: Visa, Mastercard, Maestro.
TRAVELAND do not accepts cards issued in North America/Canada, as AMERICAN EXPRESS.
No show or a booking that has not been honored, represents the booking confirmed and not cancelled, having as a result the fact that the guest has not reached the location on the day scheduled.
In case of no show, the booking loses its validity.
A guest can cancel a booking at any time, if the booking has been validated and guaranteed.
For more info feel free to check –
INFO and
F.A.Q. section.
Cancellation can be made through reception or by email.
TRAVELAND reserves its right to cancel, without any further notice, any bookings made by guests who have repeatedly made unsecured reservations that have not been honored.
Prices displayed on the site are accommodation rates per apartment or villa per night; VAT included, also included any other fees/local taxes – Resort fees (mountain rescue fee – 5%, special fee for the tourism promotion of Brasov City- 1%). Exceptions are clearly specified on our site.
Prices are subject to changes at any time. Increases prices do not affect bookings that have already been confirmed. Discount prices may affect confirmed bookings or not.
Bookings made on the TRAVELAND site are free of charge.
The payment for the bookings can be made at the reception upon check-in, or in advance, to TRAVELAND.
For more info or details about the payment please check
INFO and
F.A.Q. section.
All the requested bookings have to have a valid credit card guarantee.
In some periods, our booking engine may accept only payments in advance or credit card guarantee.
If you guarantee with credit card, we will check the card details and we will block the amount equal with the total of the confirmed booking.
In case of no show, TRAVELAND will cash the amount from the card or the advance payment.
The reservation data of the users are confidential. Only the information necessary for the reservation is sent when making the reservation. The personal data will be sent to the authorities in order to check commercial transactions or to other authorities in order to carry out any checking justified according to the law, if this will be requested according to the laws in force.
The reservation data must be carefully completed. TRAVELAND can cancel, without further notice, the reservations made, for which it has been ascertained, that incorrect data has been introduced. Moreover, TRAVELAND can cancel any reservation made by a user who cannot be contacted by phone/emal regarding his/her reservation, but not if that user has already made other reservations through TRAVELAND and these have been honored or if the services booked have been paid in advance or guaranteed by credit card.
By using the site (visiting or purchasing services), the user agrees to the fact that the Romanian laws will govern the “Terms and conditions” mentioned above and also any dispute of any kind that may occur between the user and TRAVELAND. In case of any conflicts between TRAVELAND and the users, an amicable settlement of these disputes will be firstly attempted. If not possible, the conflict will be settled in court, on Brasov County, according to the Romanian laws in force.
Once the order has been placed, the client accepts, without any objections, the usage terms and conditions, their value being the same with a valid contract concluded.
TRAVELAND reserves its right to make any changes to the site, to its structure or any other changes that might affect the site, without any further notification to the users in this respect. TRAVELAND cannot be held responsible for possible errors occurred on the site due to any reason, including due to some changes, settings, etc. and it is not responsible for the content, quality or nature of other sites, that one can reach by links from the site of the TRAVELAND, regardless of the nature of these links. For those sites, the owners of those sites are fully liable.